May 17 - Santorini 'Hello Rock'

It really is a bit of a culture shock between Naxos and Santorini - which is much more populated with, and geared towards, tourists. It's a pretty easy adjustment though. Our 'house' is really lovely. Last night I felt like a bear, sleeping in the cave, and it was so dark that you couldn't see a THING.

The views are really dramatic, and every hotel and taverna seems to have one. I wish we were filthy rich because I can already see that the stores all sell unique and beautiful merchandise. The jewellery is by far the nicest I have seen.

Well, I'm off to have my shower now (the fovame tipote - I fear nothing) and then it's off to the nice bakery we've found for a breakfast of fresh croissants. It's a BEAUTIFUL day, so we'll hang on the veranda for a few hours admiring the view.


Well, it was more like 8 hours on the veranda. We met our neighbours for the week - Liz and Eoin. They are a couple of years younger than us, and we get along quite well. They're from Michigan so we can relate on all sorts of things.

We also met Marcus, who came by with a brochure offering a variety of massage treatments. Marcus certainly has a unique perspective, and we offered up a beer which he readily accepted. Actually, we had just returned from cleaning out the second market of it's tall Heineken's, so we were enjoying our day.

Liz polished off the local wine over the course of the day, and it was happily refilled. Marcus told us that our neighbour below us (with the pool) was none other then the German billionaire owner of Siemens, and that he only spent about a week here each year. A few beers later, Jane was taking my picure as I lay naked by his pool. What the hell - why not?

Marcus had left to build a barbeque at his place (just below Siemens') and offered us some speakers for our portable CD player. Jane and Liz went down to get them, and apparantly he has quite the place.

He also suggested we have dinner at Skala, where his friend and neighbour was a waiter. His name was Yrgos, and oddly he knew who we were right away. Not much privacy when you're dancing and singing on Santorini balconies!

Santorini at Night

The four of us had a nice dinner, and decided to make sure that we booked a tour tomorrow to see the island by bus. It would likely include Akrotiri, Ancient Thira, and of course some wine tasting. Eoin mentioned renting a car, so we'll have to hitch a ride into Thira with him. We're running low on cash, and there are no ATM's in Oia.

cats of Santorini

All in all, the first day of our last leg was a lot of fun. Jane quickly made friends with a kitty, and we fed him milk (ours) and liverwurst (Eoin's - to his dismay).

Too cloudy for a spectacular sunset, but later on the stars looked amazing. From our veranda, Thira looks eerily similar to Lisa Simpson's science experiment!

I wonder just what's in store for us tomorrow - with this crowd it could be anything. Until then ... to the batcave.

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