May 5 - Olympia

We're writing this in catch-up mode. Just too much fun yesterday for writing about it. It's breakfast time on the 6th - coffee and Baileys for Rob (the hair of the dog!)

Yesterday we travelled over the entire Peloponnese - what a beautiful part of the country.

Wildflowers, hundreds of varieties, were everywhere. Sparta bushes (yellow flowers), Judas trees (pink/purple) and Mimosa trees (yellow berries) are new finds. Oleander grows everywhere but it's not yet in full bloom.

After a brief visit to Megalopolis and HOURS of bus ride, we reached Olympia. Incredible!

Despite the heavy earthquake destruction that once hid it completely, it is such an impressive site. We explored as much as we possibly could - going anywhere you want again - and toured the impressive Museum also.

Pediment statues from the Zeus Temple (Apollo in the centre)

We had to risk abandoning the education from our tour quide for a while in Olympia as it was just too enticing to stand still for long. I really could have spent a week in Olympia.

Tony disappeared for a while and found Phideas' workshop, which I didn't see, as we left much of the wonderful site unexplored. Good reason to return some day I say.

Entrance to the stadium at Olympia

Last night a group of us went to a Greek dancing show down the street and Rob and I both got up on the stage if you can believe it - OPA! Right after the first number, the dancers came off the stage and grabbed Sonia and I - which I really wasn't expecting at the beginning of the show - but well ... when in Greece.

Posing at what turns out to be the finish line at Olympia

After the show there was no stopping Rob - more beer and ouzos were called for and we talked with one of the dancers until well into the early hours.

We walked to the top of the hill but there wasn't much to see in the dark and we were disturbing the dogs - so we sat on our balcony and watched the biggest moon we've EVER seen rising very quickly over the mountains.

We had a laugh at dinner last night when we discovered that Rob had eaten goat - and hadn't known it! What more adventures await? ...

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